About Bella

About Bella

Hi, my name is Bella Gaudette. I started training dogs in 1984 when we got our first family dog. My husband saw an ad in a local paper for dog training classes and suggested that I take our new puppy to the class. Little did he know what he had started!!! I have had the pleasure of owning and showing Border Collies since 1992. We currently share our home with two Border Collies-Cinaed, who at three years of age has titles for PT, BN, CD, RE, CDX, NA (Novice Agility) NAJ (Novice Agility Jumpers) and is presently working on his OA (Open Agility) and his OAJ (Open Agility jumpers with weaves) and is getting ready to start his UD. Tally is an adorable 1 year old female who has earned her Novice Rally title and is working on her Beginner Novice Title.

Bella is so wonderful! Clara is a wonderful companion thanks to the training we received. – Amy Roberson Galvin

I began teaching classes as a member of E-town Dog Training Club until they dissolved. Dr. Brown with Helmwood Vet Clinic then asked if I would consider teaching classes at his clinic and my business has grown from there. I firmly believe that a well trained dog is a happy dog because they know what their rules are and they are afforded so much more freedom to share in our lives when they are well behaved. I believe that the amount of love in a relationship is directly affected by the degree of obedience in that relationship. The Bible teaches us that, “this is Love, that we walk in obedience to His command” (2John 1:6) and I believe that our dog’s relationship with us should be the same. After all….The First Evidence of Love is Obedience.